Saturday, August 20, 2011

What this Blog is about.

When I first discussed the idea of a blog with my wife Joann, I needed an appropriate name for it. I didn’t want to name it after my book- I’m hoping this blog is here for a long time. We’ll have to see how it goes.
My Life at 80 M.P.H. seemed very apropos. I spend between 2.5 and 3 hours daily behind the wheel and my ‘speed’ seems to be 80 M.P.H. (maybe some of you remember the old Sammy Hagar song ‘I Can’t Drive 55-well, that’s me).
All of this driving gives me plenty of time to think and formulate ideas on a wide variety of subjects. Sometimes I’ll remember and think about past times in my life, both good and bad. Sometimes it’ll be about current situations with me and my family. Current world events take center stage at other times. I just spend a lot of time musing.
I’m hoping we (me and other followers of this blog) can openly discuss different subjects and solicit each other’s opinions for consideration by all. I’d like to ask that we keep it civil. Nothing will get accomplished by yelling and screaming, calling each other names, etc. Please remember that everyone’s opinion here is valid no matter how off the wall they may seem to you individually.


  1. Things of recent interest to me are:

    which type of bed pillow is most superior?

    is heaven the blue part or the white part?

  2. Anonymous10:21

    Smart Ass! The type of pillow is the squishy one I have on my bed that is hypo-allergenic to boot.

    Heaven is the universe seen from earth-all the white and blue and black and stars......

  3. Houston - we have a problem!

    "The squishy one on your bed?" - could that have been just a bit more vague? I'm really looking for a superior pillow.

    And, I believe you are incorrect with your explanation of heaven. What you are describing or defining is 'the heavens'. What I was asking about was heaven.

  4. Also, remove word verification from your blog or nobody will like you anymore. And, no, I'm not kidding.

  5. Anonymous07:34

    Well-let me try again. Heaven means different things to different people at different times.

    For me, most recently, heaven was the weekend I just spent with my wife Joann in Ogunquit, ME.
    Some of the highlights of the trip:

    -Walking the marginal Way to perkins Cove.

    -Dinner at the Front Porch restaurant with the perfect Margerita.

    -A sunset walk along Ogunquit beach.

    -Watching a late night meteor shower seaside-sitting on the beach just feet from water's edge.

    I think this answers the question. So, think about what heaven means to you.
